Source code for flyingpigeon.processes.wps_averager_WFS

import traceback
# TODO: Python 3.6 Warning- Find replacement for urlparse
from urlparse import urlparse

from flyingpigeon.handler_common import wfs_common
from flyingpigeon.utils import CookieNetCDFTransfer
from pywps import Process, LiteralInput, ComplexOutput, get_format

json_format = get_format('JSON')

[docs]class AveragerWFSProcess(Process): """Weighted spatial average of a NetCDF file using a WFS geometry.""" def __init__(self): inputs = [ LiteralInput('resource', 'NetCDF resource', abstract='NetCDF files, can be OPEnDAP urls.', data_type='string', max_occurs=1000), LiteralInput('typename', 'TypeName', abstract='Name of the layer in GeoServer.', data_type='string'), LiteralInput('featureids', 'Feature Ids', abstract='fid(s) of the feature in the layer.', data_type='string', max_occurs=1000), LiteralInput('geoserver', 'Geoserver', abstract=('Typically of the form ' 'http://host:port/geoserver/wfs'), data_type='string', min_occurs=0), LiteralInput('mosaic', 'Union of Feature Ids', abstract=('If True, selected regions will be ' 'merged into a single geometry.'), data_type='boolean', min_occurs=0, default=False), LiteralInput('variable', 'Variable', abstract=('Name of the variable in the NetCDF file.' 'Will be guessed if not provided.'), data_type='string', min_occurs=0)] outputs = [ ComplexOutput('output', 'JSON file with link to NetCDF outputs', abstract='JSON file with link to NetCDF outputs.', as_reference=True, supported_formats=[json_format])] super(AveragerWFSProcess, self).__init__( self._handler, identifier='averager_WFS', title='Averager WFS', version='0.1', abstract=('Return the data with weighted average of grid cells ' 'intersecting the selected polygon for each input ' 'dataset.'), inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, status_supported=True, store_supported=True, ) def _handler(self, request, response): try: opendap_hostnames = [ urlparse( for r in request.inputs['resource']] with CookieNetCDFTransfer(request, opendap_hostnames): result = wfs_common(request, response, mode='averager') return result except: raise Exception(traceback.format_exc())