Source code for pavics_datacatalog.wps_processes.wps_getpoint

import os
import time
import json

from pywps import Process, get_format, configuration
from pywps import LiteralInput, ComplexOutput

from pavics import nccombo

# Example usage:
# localhost/pywps?service=WPS&request=execute&version=1.0.0&\
# identifier=getpoint&DataInputs=\
# opendap_url=\
# subdaily/aev/shum/;\
# opendap_url=\
# subdaily/aev/shum/;variable=SHUM;ordered_indice=0;\
# ordered_indice=0,ordered_indice=70,ordered_indice=30

json_output_path = configuration.get_config_value('server', 'outputpath')
json_format = get_format('JSON')

[docs]class GetPoint(Process): def __init__(self): # From pywps4 code : time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z' # Is that a bug? %z should be %Z # Using 'string' data_type until this is corrected. inputs = [ LiteralInput('opendap_url', 'OPeNDAP url to NetCDF file', abstract='OPeNDAP url to NetCDF file.', data_type='string', max_occurs=100000), LiteralInput('variable', 'NetCDF variable name', abstract='NetCDF variable name.', data_type='string', max_occurs=1000), LiteralInput('use_ordered_indices', 'Use ordered indices', abstract='Whether ordered indices are used.', data_type='boolean', default=False, min_occurs=0), LiteralInput('ordered_index', 'Ordered index', abstract=('Indices for the point in the NetCDF ' 'variable.'), data_type='integer', default=0, min_occurs=0, max_occurs=10), LiteralInput('named_index', 'Named index', abstract=('Indices for the point in the NetCDF ' 'variable with named dimensions ' '(dim:index).'), data_type='string', default='', min_occurs=0, max_occurs=10), LiteralInput('nearest_to', 'Nearest to', abstract=('Nearest value for each dimension in the ' 'NetCDF variable for the point with named ' 'dimensions (dim:value).'), data_type='string', default='', min_occurs=0, max_occurs=10), LiteralInput('threshold', 'Threshold', abstract=('Thresholds for the distance to each ' 'nearest value with named dimensions ' '(dim:threshold).'), data_type='string', default='', min_occurs=0, max_occurs=10)] outputs = [ComplexOutput('point_result', 'Information for the requested point', abstract=('Information for the requested ' 'point.'), supported_formats=[json_format])] outputs[0].as_reference = True super(GetPoint, self).__init__( self._handler, identifier='getpoint', title='Point value from a NetCDF file', abstract='Return a single value from a NetCDF file at the given grid coordinates.', version='0.1', inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, store_supported=True, status_supported=True) def _dict_from_sep(self, xs, sep=':', convert=None): d = {} for x in xs: decode_x = x.split(sep) if convert is None: d[decode_x[0]] = sep.join(decode_x[1:]) else: d[decode_x[0]] = convert(sep.join(decode_x[1:])) return d def _handler(self, request, response): opendap_urls = [request.inputs['opendap_url'][n].data for n in range(len(request.inputs['opendap_url']))] var_names = [request.inputs['variable'][n].data for n in range(len(request.inputs['variable']))] if 'use_ordered_indices' in request.inputs: use_ordered_indices = request.inputs['use_ordered_indices'][0].data else: use_ordered_indices = False if not use_ordered_indices: ordered_indices = None else: ndims = len(request.inputs['ordered_index']) ordered_indices = [request.inputs['ordered_index'][n].data for n in range(ndims)] if 'named_index' in request.inputs: ndims = len(request.inputs['named_index']) named_indices = [request.inputs['named_index'][n].data for n in range(ndims)] named_indices = self._dict_from_sep(named_indices, convert=int) else: named_indices = None if 'nearest_to' in request.inputs: nearest_to = [request.inputs['nearest_to'][n].data for n in range(len(request.inputs['nearest_to']))] d = {} for x in nearest_to: decode_x = x.split(':') try: d[decode_x[0]] = float(':'.join(decode_x[1:])) except ValueError: d[decode_x[0]] = ':'.join(decode_x[1:]) nearest_to = d else: nearest_to = None if 'thresholds' in request.inputs: thresholds = [request.inputs['threshold'][n].data for n in range(len(request.inputs['threshold']))] thresholds = self.dict_from_sep(thresholds, convert=float) else: thresholds = None point_result = nccombo.get_point(opendap_urls, var_names, ordered_indices, named_indices, nearest_to, thresholds) # Here we construct a unique filename time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) output_file_name = "point_result_%s_.json" % (time_str,) output_file = os.path.join(json_output_path, output_file_name) f1 = open(output_file, 'w') f1.write(json.dumps(point_result)) f1.close() response.outputs['point_result'].file = output_file response.outputs['point_result'].output_format = json_format return response