Source code for pavics_datacatalog.wps_processes.wps_pavicsupdate

import os
import time
import traceback
import json
from pywps import Process, get_format, configuration
from pywps import LiteralInput, ComplexOutput

from pavics import catalog

# Example usage:
# localhost/pywps?service=WPS&request=execute&version=1.0.0&\
# identifier=pavicsupdate&DataInputs=source=source_string;url=url_string;\
# updates=subject:new_subject,units:m

# Still need to perhaps validate the inputs, and consider whether we want
# to do updates that involve list of entries (not tested yet)

# The user under which apache is running must be able to write to that
# directory.
json_output_path = configuration.get_config_value('server', 'outputpath')

json_format = get_format('JSON')
gmlxml_format = get_format('GML')

[docs]class PavicsUpdate(Process): def __init__(self): self.solr_server = os.environ.get('SOLR_HOST', None) # The combination of the 'source' and 'url' fields provide the 'id' # in the Solr database, they both must be provided. inputs = [LiteralInput('id', 'id field of the dataset or file', abstract='id field of the dataset or file.', data_type='string'), LiteralInput('type', 'Dataset or File', abstract=('The File type will update a single ' 'file, the Dataset type will update ' 'all documents sharing its ' 'dataset_id'), data_type='string', default='File', min_occurs=0, mode=None), LiteralInput('updates', 'Fields to update with their new values', abstract=('Format is ' 'key1:value1,key2:value2,...'), data_type='string')] outputs = [ComplexOutput('update_result', 'PAVICS Catalogue Update Result', abstract='Update result as a json.', supported_formats=[json_format])] outputs[0].as_reference = True super(PavicsUpdate, self).__init__( self._handler, identifier='pavicsupdate', title='PAVICS Catalogue Update', abstract=('Update database entries using key:value pairs and ' 'identified by their ids.'), version='0.1', inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, store_supported=True, status_supported=True) def _handler(self, request, response): # Get the source and url to setup the update dictionary. update_id = request.inputs['id'][0].data if 'type' in request.inputs: update_type = request.inputs['type'][0].data else: update_type = 'File' if update_type == 'File': update_dict = {'id': update_id} elif update_type == 'Dataset': update_dict = {'dataset_id': update_id} else: raise NotImplementedError() # Get updates, which are the facets to add/modify. data_inputs = request.inputs['updates'][0].data # Split using comma & colon as separator key_value_pairs = data_inputs.split(',') for key_value_pair in key_value_pairs: kv = key_value_pair.split(':') # Here, we do not use the {'set':kv[1]} syntax, it does not work # in birdhouse-solr. Instead it's like adding a new entry, but # since the source and url already exist, it will update the other # fields. update_dict.update({kv[0]: kv[1]}) try: update_result = catalog.pavicsupdate(self.solr_server, update_dict) except: raise Exception(traceback.format_exc()) # Here we construct a unique filename time_str = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime()) output_file_name = "solr_result_{0}_.json".format(time_str) output_file = os.path.join(json_output_path, output_file_name) f1 = open(output_file, 'w') f1.write(json.dumps(update_result)) f1.close() response.outputs['update_result'].file = output_file response.outputs['update_result'].output_format = json_format return response