Source code for pavics_datacatalog.wps_processes.wps_period2indices

from pywps import Process
from pywps import LiteralInput, LiteralOutput

from pavics import netcdf as pavnc

# Example usage:
# localhost/pywps?service=WPS&request=execute&version=1.0.0&\
# identifier=period2indices&DataInputs=initial_date=1962-02-03T00:00:00;\
# final_date=1962-03-31T23:59:59;\
# opendap_url=\
# subdaily/aev/shum/

[docs]class Period2Indices(Process): def __init__(self): # From pywps4 code : time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z' # Is that a bug? %z should be %Z # Using 'string' data_type until this is corrected. cal_abs = 'If left unspecified, taken from NetCDF file time variable.' inputs = [LiteralInput('initial_date', 'Initial date of the period', data_type='string', abstract='Format must be %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), LiteralInput('final_date', 'Final date of the period', data_type='string', abstract='Format must be %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'), LiteralInput('opendap_url', 'OPeNDAP url to a NetCDF file', data_type='string', abstract='OPeNDAP url to a NetCDF file'), LiteralInput('calendar', 'NetCDF calendar type', data_type='string', abstract=cal_abs, default='gregorian', min_occurs=0)] title_ini = 'Initial time index of the period in the NetCDF file' title_fin = 'Final time index of the period in the NetCDF file' abstract_fin = title_fin + '. The final index is inclusive.' outputs = [LiteralOutput('initial_index', title_ini, data_type='integer', abstract=title_ini), LiteralOutput('final_index', title_fin, data_type='integer', abstract=abstract_fin)] super(Period2Indices, self).__init__( self._handler, identifier='period2indices', title='NetCDF time indices from a period', abstract='The final index is inclusive.', version='0.1', inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, store_supported=True, status_supported=True) def _handler(self, request, response): if 'calendar' in request.inputs: calendar = request.inputs['calendar'][0].data else: calendar = 'gregorian' d = pavnc.period2indices(request.inputs['initial_date'][0].data, request.inputs['final_date'][0].data, request.inputs['opendap_url'][0].data, calendar=calendar) response.outputs['initial_index'].data = d['initial_index'] response.outputs['final_index'].data = d['final_index'] return response