Source code for flyingpigeon.processes.wps_sdm_allinone

Processes for Species distribution
Author: Nils Hempelmann (

import logging
import tempfile

from flyingpigeon import sdm
from flyingpigeon.log import init_process_logger
from flyingpigeon.sdm import _SDMINDICES_
from flyingpigeon.utils import archive, archiveextract
from flyingpigeon.utils import rename_complexinputs
from flyingpigeon.visualisation import map_PAmask
from flyingpigeon.visualisation import map_gbifoccurrences
from flyingpigeon.visualisation import pdfmerge, concat_images
from pywps import ComplexInput, ComplexOutput
from pywps import Format
from pywps import LiteralInput
from pywps import Process
from import Metadata

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("PYWPS")

[docs]class SDMallinoneProcess(Process): def __init__(self): inputs = [ ComplexInput('resource', 'Resource', abstract='NetCDF Files or archive (tar/zip) containing netCDF files.', metadata=[Metadata('Info')], min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1000, supported_formats=[ Format('application/x-netcdf'), Format('application/x-tar'), Format('application/zip'), ]), LiteralInput('taxon_name', 'Taxonomic name of tree species', abstract='Taxonomic name of tree species (e. g. Fagus sylvatica)', data_type='string', min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, default='Fagus sylvatica' ), # self.BBox = self.addBBoxInput( # identifier="BBox", # title="Bounding Box", # abstract="coordinates to define the region for occurence data fetch", # minOccurs=1, # maxOccurs=1, # crss=['EPSG:4326'] # ) LiteralInput("indices", "Indices", abstract="Climate indices related to growth conditions \ of tree species", default='TG_JJA', data_type='string', min_occurs=1, max_occurs=10, allowed_values=_SDMINDICES_ ), LiteralInput("period", "Reference period", abstract="Reference period for climate conditions\ (all = entire timeseries)", default="all", data_type='string', min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, allowed_values=['all', '1951-1980', '1961-1990', '1971-2000', '1981-2010'] ), LiteralInput("archive_format", "Archive format", abstract="Result files will be compressed into archives.\ Choose an appropriate format", default="tar", data_type='string', min_occurs=1, max_occurs=1, allowed_values=['zip', 'tar'] ) ] outputs = [ ComplexOutput('output_csv', 'Tree species table', abstract="Extracted CSV file containing the tree species table", as_reference=True, supported_formats=[Format('text/csv')] ), ComplexOutput("output_gbif", "Graphic of GBIF coordinates", abstract="PNG graphic file showing the presence of tree species\ according to the CSV file", supported_formats=[Format('image/png')], as_reference=True, ), ComplexOutput("output_PA", "Graphic of PA mask", abstract="PNG graphic file showing PA mask generated based on\ netCDF spatial increment", supported_formats=[Format('image/png')], as_reference=True, ), ComplexOutput("output_indices", "Climate indices for growth conditions over all timesteps", abstract="Archive (tar/zip) containing calculated climate indices", supported_formats=[Format('application/x-tar'), Format('application/zip') ], as_reference=True, ), ComplexOutput("output_reference", "Climate indices for growth conditions of reference period", abstract="Archive (tar/zip) containing calculated climate indices", supported_formats=[Format('application/x-tar'), Format('application/zip') ], as_reference=True, ), ComplexOutput("output_prediction", "predicted growth conditions", abstract="Archive containing files of the predicted\ growth conditions", supported_formats=[Format('application/x-tar'), Format('application/zip') ], as_reference=True, ), ComplexOutput("output_info", "GAM statistics information", abstract="Graphics and information of the learning statistics", supported_formats=[Format("application/pdf")], as_reference=True, ), ComplexOutput('output_log', 'Logging information', abstract="Collected logs during process run.", as_reference=True, supported_formats=[Format('text/plain')] ) ] super(SDMallinoneProcess, self).__init__( self._handler, identifier="sdm_allinone", title="Species distribution Model (all in one)", version="0.10", metadata=[ Metadata("LWF", ""), Metadata( "Doc", ""), Metadata("paper", ""), Metadata("Tutorial", ""), ], abstract="Indices preparation for SDM process", inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, status_supported=True, store_supported=True, ) def _handler(self, request, response): init_process_logger('log.txt') response.outputs['output_log'].file = 'log.txt' response.update_status('Start process', 0) try:'reading the arguments') resources = archiveextract( resource=rename_complexinputs(request.inputs['resource'])) taxon_name = request.inputs['taxon_name'][0].data bbox = [-180, -90, 180, 90] # bbox_obj = self.BBox.getValue() # bbox = [bbox_obj.coords[0][0], # bbox_obj.coords[0][1], # bbox_obj.coords[1][0], # bbox_obj.coords[1][1]] period = request.inputs['period'] period = period[0].data indices = [ for inpt in request.inputs['indices']] archive_format = request.inputs['archive_format'][0].data LOGGER.exception("indices = %s for %s ", indices, taxon_name)"bbox={0}".format(bbox)) except: LOGGER.exception('failed to read in the arguments')'indices %s ' % indices) try: response.update_status('Fetching GBIF Data', 10) gbifdic = sdm.get_gbif(taxon_name, bbox=bbox)'Fetched GBIF data') except: msg = 'failed to search gbif.' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: response.update_status('write csv file', 70) gbifcsv = sdm.gbifdic2csv(gbifdic)'GBIF data written to file') except: msg = 'failed to write csv file.' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: response.update_status('plot map', 80) latlon = sdm.latlon_gbifdic(gbifdic) occurence_map = map_gbifoccurrences(latlon) except: msg = 'failed to plot occurence map.' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) ################################# # calculate the climate indices ################################# # get the indices ncs_indices = None try: response.update_status('start calculation of climate indices for %s' % indices, 30) ncs_indices = sdm.get_indices(resource=resources, indices=indices)'indice calculation done') except: msg = 'failed to calculate indices' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: # sort indices indices_dic = sdm.sort_indices(ncs_indices)'indice files sorted in dictionary') except: msg = 'failed to sort indices' LOGGER.exception(msg) indices_dic = {'dummy': []} ncs_references = [] species_files = [] stat_infos = [] PAmask_pngs = [] response.update_status('Start processing for %s Datasets' % len(indices_dic.keys())) for count, key in enumerate(indices_dic.keys()): try: staus_nr = 40 + count * 10 response.update_status('Start processing of %s' % key, staus_nr) ncs = indices_dic[key]'with %s files' % len(ncs)) try: response.update_status('generating the PA mask', 20) PAmask = sdm.get_PAmask(coordinates=latlon, nc=ncs[0])'PA mask sucessfully generated') except: LOGGER.exception('failed to generate the PA mask') try: response.update_status('Ploting PA mask', 25) PAmask_pngs.extend([map_PAmask(PAmask)]) except: LOGGER.exception('failed to plot the PA mask') try: ncs_reference = sdm.get_reference(ncs_indices=ncs, period=period) ncs_references.extend(ncs_reference)'reference indice calculated %s ' % ncs_references) except: msg = 'failed to calculate the reference' LOGGER.exception(msg) try: gam_model, predict_gam, gam_info = sdm.get_gam(ncs_reference, PAmask) stat_infos.append(gam_info) response.update_status('GAM sucessfully trained', staus_nr + 5) except: msg = 'failed to train GAM for %s' % (key) LOGGER.exception(msg) try: prediction = sdm.get_prediction(gam_model, ncs) response.update_status('prediction done', staus_nr + 7) except: msg = 'failed to predict tree occurence' LOGGER.exception(msg) # raise Exception(msg) # try: # response.update_status('land sea mask for predicted data', staus_nr + 8) # from numpy import invert, isnan, nan, broadcast_arrays # , array, zeros, linspace, meshgrid # mask = invert(isnan(PAmask)) # mask = broadcast_arrays(prediction, mask)[1] # prediction[mask is False] = nan # except: # LOGGER.exception('failed to mask predicted data') try: species_files.append(sdm.write_to_file(ncs[0], prediction))'Favourabillity written to file') except: msg = 'failed to write species file' LOGGER.exception(msg) # raise Exception(msg) except: msg = 'failed to calculate reference indices' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: archive_indices = archive(ncs_indices, format=archive_format)'indices added to archive') except: msg = 'failed adding indices to archive' LOGGER.exception(msg) archive_indices = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tar', prefix='foobar-', dir='.') try: archive_references = archive(ncs_references, format=archive_format)'indices reference added to archive') except: msg = 'failed adding reference indices to archive' LOGGER.exception(msg) archive_references = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.tar', prefix='foobar-', dir='.') try: archive_prediction = archive(species_files, format=archive_format)'species_files added to archive') except: msg = 'failed adding species_files indices to archive' LOGGER.exception(msg) raise Exception(msg) try: stat_infosconcat = pdfmerge(stat_infos) LOGGER.debug('pngs %s' % PAmask_pngs) PAmask_png = concat_images(PAmask_pngs, orientation='h')'stat infos pdfs and mask pngs merged') except: LOGGER.exception('failed to concat images') _, stat_infosconcat = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pdf', prefix='foobar-', dir='.') _, PAmask_png = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png', prefix='foobar-', dir='.') response.outputs['output_gbif'].file = occurence_map response.outputs['output_PA'].file = PAmask_png response.outputs['output_indices'].file = archive_indices response.outputs['output_reference'].file = archive_references response.outputs['output_prediction'].file = archive_prediction response.outputs['output_info'].file = stat_infosconcat response.outputs['output_csv'].file = gbifcsv response.update_status('done', 100) return response