PAVICS-SDI bundles a number of cataloguing services that allow users to search for and add data to its backend catalog service.
The main cataloguing component within the PAVICS-SDI architecture is PAVICS-DataCatalog, a service that identifies and enables querying of CF-compliant climate data organized within THREDDS Data Servers. PAVICS-DataCatalog is built with the Apache Solr search platform.
PAVICS Catalogue Search¶
The pavicssearch
service closely mimics the API for the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) search. The search fields (or facets) include author, category, cf_standard_name, experiment, frequency, institute, model, project, source, subject, title, units, variable and variable_long_name. The search results are returned in a json
file and include the URL to download the file or access it through DAP.
The following request will launch the crawler on the server filesystem to catalog available data:
The following request will search for all files that are part of the RCP8.5 experiment and based on the CRCM4 model:
PAVICS-DataCatalog is developed by researchers at CRIM and Ouranos.