VM configuration

For development and testing it can be useful to install pavics-sdi in a virtual machine. Here we describe the configuration for an OpenStack environment.

Data volumes

  • Attach 2 openstack volumes to the vm (take note of its name looking like /dev/vdx)

  • Mount them at /data and /geoserver_data using the following command:

    mount /dev/vdx /[geoserver_]data
  • New volumes must first be formatted using the command mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdx

Docker volume

Docker can take a lot of space to maintain all containers and the default directory /var/lib/docker on the host can rapidly run out of disk space. The easy solution is to mount a bigger volume at this position:

  1. Attach an openstack volume to the vm (take note of its name looking like /dev/vdx)

  2. Stop the docker service : service docker stop

  3. Mount the new volume at /var/lib/docker using the following command:

    mount /dev/vdx /var/lib/docker
  4. Start the docker service: service docker start


To automatically mount volumes at reboot we modified the /etc/fstab file to include the attached OpenStack volumes. For example (mind the tabspaces):

LABEL=cloudimg-rootfs   /        ext4   defaults        0 0
/dev/vdb        none            swap    sw,comment=cloudconfig  0       0
/dev/vdd        /data           ext4    defaults        0 0
/dev/vdc        /var/lib/docker ext4    defaults        0 0

Hostname resolution

The virtual machine is publicly visible by using the OpenStack external IP. But this IP is not visible from inside, the internal IP must be used. To resolve this issue, create a DNS entry mapping a hostname to the external IP and edit /etc/hosts from inside the VM so that the same hostname maps the internal IP.

For example, outarde.crim.ca is resolved as (OpenStack external IP) everywhere but from the inside of this vm the /etc/hosts config resolve this hostname to (OpenStack internal IP).